第一次去QnA好幸福啊 luluwang带着香槟来跟我们聊天 奶奶到现在都还不知道 可爱的是小奶奶是真的小奶奶 总的来说It’s so authentic that it hurts 从火车站出来那里扑面而来哈哈哈哈 感觉除了叔叔那段突如其来的上课其他都好真实太真实了 这个电影就是给我一个借口哭泣自己的生活
最后一集金句频出这强烈的共鸣感证明我是中年人了吗…… Contentment breeds quiet, which breeds complacency, which breeds unrest. Her marriage was a witness to all of her other failures, like a comorbidity to how she was just getting old. Her marriage is not perfect, but it's not like her being not married is ever gonna make her young again. Nothing could make her unmake the choices that she made. She just didn't know that when she was making the choices that they were gonna limit her other choices that she could make in the future. How can you live when you used to have unlimited choices and you don't have them anymore?